Crocodile Dundee

Crocodile Dundee PosterGenre: Comedy Action Adventure
Director: Peter Faiman
Screenwriter: John Cornell, Ken Shadie, Paul Hogan

Rating: 89%
Year: 1986
Length: 1h 44m

Summary: A pretty American journalist pursuades an unsophisticated outback Aussie to visit New York City.

Main Actors: Paul Hogan, Linda Kozlowski, John Meillon, David Gulpilil

Nice Bits

This is one of the few Australian films written to appeal outside the country, and became a great success due to the friendly, humourous title character, played by local comedian Paul Hogan. His gentle but strong nature carried the whole film.

Much of the laughter came from his relocation from the one kangaroo outback town of Walkabout Creek across the world to New York City, where his innocence appealed to the world weary locals, and also got him into trouble now and then.

The contrast between Aussie and American ways of doing things provided much mirth, along with city/country differences, even though the story itself was very simple.

The supporting cast added much to the lightness, including the award winning Aborigine actor David Gulpilil. His broad grin and natural style was a delight, and even funnier in the sequel when nearly all the cast returned for another helping.

While it might seem simple and innocent in today’s world, it still stand the test of time to provide a lovely gentle humourous evening’s entertainment.

Nasty Bits

The occasional punch now and then.

Naughty Bits

The odd bit of innuendo.

Cast and Crew:

