G’day there, welcome to my blog! It’s about films that make you feel good. They may or may not be great art, or original, but I really don’t care.
If I’m going to spend money to go to the cinema, or rent/buy a DVD, I want to feel good while I’m watching it. Just call me old fashioned 🙂
So every film on this blog will make you feel good. Well, I can’t guarantee this, as we all react differently, but at least they’re all selected for that reason.
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This Website
You might think this website is pretty average, and … you’re right! Even though I design websites for a living, I’d much rather focus on the films here. I can either spend my time making this website look super duper, or write another blog entry. That’s an easy choice!
About Me
I’ve always adored films, and quite recently got involved in the film industry myself:
Although I’m still a newbie in the game, I love it with a passion! I’ve made several short films, an Internet training DVD, written a bunch of short scripts, and a feature film screenplay. I’m looking to produce that as soon as I can raise the finance.
I’ve also been a screen actor since the turn of the century, and recently stepped out on the stage for the first time. It’s far more challenging than acting for film, as nobody yells Cut! if you mess up your lines!
I’m also a Life Coach, which I find really rewarding:
and as mentioned before, I create websites as well:
Anyway, enough about me.
I hope you find this blog useful, and enjoy many wonderful hours of feel good films.
Do spread the word if you find it helpful. There are Share buttons at the bottom of each post, allowing you to share posts on Facebook and other social networks.
Thanks for dropping by!